Conservative New Democracy leader Kyriakos Mitsotakis blasted the prime minister on the occasion of today’s third anniversary of Syriza’s ascent to power in 2015.

“Today, it has been three whole years since Mr. Tsipras defrauded the Greek people,” the main opposition leader declared.

Mitsotakis said that Tsipras “promised to put an end to austerity and the old [style politics]”.

“Instead, he brought greater poverty, the decimation of the middle class, and heavy taxation. He slashed salaries and pensions. He created the generation of 360 euros [monthly salary]. He himself managed to become the worst kind of establishmentarian,” the ND leader said.

“Greeks do not trust [Tsipras] to solve the economic problems with which we are confronted. They do not trust him to handle the big national issues either,” he underlined.

The conservative party leader’s overarching message was that New Democracy is ready to govern.
“Let us change Greece. Let us make the lives of citizens better. We can and we want to, because those who want that above all are the citizens who thirst for a future worthy of them,” Mitsotakis concluded.