Σάββατο 19 Οκτωβρίου 2024
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1969 – 2018: 50 years of «Posidonia»

1969 – 2018: 50 years of «Posidonia»

In 2019 «Posidonia» will celebrate the first half century of its history. It is about the offer of the people who -on time and with open mind- struggled during historical times and with vision and consistency managed to built during them on an international level. Therefore, «Posidonia» is now an institution started as a pioneering […]

In 2019 «Posidonia» will celebrate the first half century of its history. It is about the offer of the people who -on time and with open mind- struggled during historical times and with vision and consistency managed to built during them on an international level.

Therefore, «Posidonia» is now an institution started as a pioneering idea during the early ’60s and developed -among those 50 years- to the most dynamic and important institution of its king not only in Greece, but worldwide. This is the year when, shortly before «Posidonia» celebrates its first years, it break its own as well as international «records» of success, contributing significantly not only on the shipment field, but to the greek economy too, during a difficult time; it is an achievement not commonly found.

As a conclusion, the story of «Posidonia» is, by itself, a great chapter on modern greek history and of the internation shipment end economical history as well, which will be written as deserved. «Posidonia» contributed, among other things, to the development of Piraeus to an important international shipment headquarter, organised there since 1976 and for many years to come, until «Posidonia» was transferred to some new places capable of covering the institutions new needs. Nowadays, that is the place were the international shipment’s heart beats.

G. P. M.

Statement by the president of the union of greek shipowners, Thedore Veniamis

Theodoros Vokos: «The dynamics of Posidonia derive from the quality and prestige of exhibitors and visitors»

Posidonia of ’76: The international establishment of the exhibition and its transfer to Piraeus

Posidonia of ’78: Unique opportunity of approach

Posidonia of ’82: Enlarging and enriching the exhibition

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Σάββατο 19 Οκτωβρίου 2024