“A further reform of the eurozone is necessary after Greece’s successful exit from the memorandums,” German Chancellor Angela Merkel told the Bundestag ahead of today’s EU summit.

She underlined that in the eurozone, all countries must remain focused on reforms, and there will not be a union of debt.

Regarding the migration crisis, Merkel said that Europeans have not yet reached the point that they want, and that, “We will not be able to reach a common agreement on asylum at this summit.”

She noted that all EU countries agree that the flow of undocumented migrants must be reduced. She said that Germany’s decision to open the border to migrants in 2015 was not unilateral, and that Berlin acted in order to help Austria and Hungary.

Merkel said that the EU must return to the rules that were in force before September, 2015, as the number of migrants has decreased.

The Chancellor said that the EU must negotiate agreements with African states, as it did with Turkey.

She underlined that Europe needs to better manage the continuing movement of migrants within the EU, and that coalitions must be formed by those who intend to proceed with migration policy, which will be decisive for the future of the EU.