PM Kyriakos Mitsotakis stressed the support of Greece’s European allies in confronting Ankara’s bellicose actions in the Aegean and eastern Mediterran, where France and Italy (and the US) have financial interests with licenses for oil and gas exploration from the Republic of Cyprus.

After weeks of laying the groundwork with a diplomatic blitz the government secured the support of even skeptical allies such as Germany.

The complete solidarity with Greece of all its European partners is part of Athens’ strategy to raise a diplomatic wall that will isolate Turkey internationally.

Mitsotakis’ scheduled 7 January meeting with US President Donald Trump will offer an indication of the White House’s stance on the crisis, as Trump maintains a close relationship at various levels with Turkis President Tayyip Erdogan, despite the much sterner attitude of Congress, the State Department nomenclature, and the Defense Department.

Mitsotakis enthusiastically welcomed the major diplomatic victory that his government scored at the EU summit and underlined that Greece will confront all Turkish provocations with composure, planning, and national unity.

«I want everyone to know that we have composure and self-confidence, that we have a plan and not just because we have right on our side but because we have very strong allies, who will support Greece when it comes to the defence of its sovereign rights,» the PM  said.

“The Turkey-Libya Memorandum of Understanding on the delimitation of maritime borders in the Mediterranean Sea infringes upon the sovereign rights of third States, does not comply with the Law of the Sea and cannot produce any legal consequences for third States. The European Council unequivocally reaffirms its solidarity with Greece and Cyprus regarding these actions by Turkey,» said Mitsotakis.

«I requested and received the full support of all my counterparts, the full support of Greece from all the EU member states against Turkish provocations» he said.

Turkey-Libya MOU on EEZs

“The Turkey-Libya Memorandum of Understanding on the delimitation of maritime borders in the Mediterranean Sea infringes upon the sovereign rights of third States, does not comply with the Law of the Sea and cannot produce any legal consequences for third States. The European Council unequivocally reaffirms its solidarity with Greece and Cyprus regarding these actions by Turkey,» was a clear expression of solidarity with Athens

Greece will do “whatever is necessary to defend its sovereign rights» Mitsotakis said, underlining that for Athens all options are on the table.

«We are clear on this, we defend Greece’s sovereign rights in any possible way.»

The PM asserted that Turkey has found itself “hopelessly isolated on a diplomatic level.»

Mitsotakis also appears to have high hopes for his meeting with Trump with a presidential statement criticising the Turkey-Libya MOU, as the State Department has repeatedly done already.