Editorial Ta Nea: Hatred
This violence cannot be dealt with by state coercion alone. It requires a fundamental discussion from education to the concept of the public good and how to manage it.
The discovery of an explosive device packed with nails on the Athens University campus reminds one that violence in our country can exhibit its most repugnant forms.
This type of explosive is internationally considered one of the worst as it does only kill but subjects the victims to a martyric death. It is terrifying to think that university students might have been among the victims.
This is not simply the blind violence that society confronts.
It is violence motivated by absolute hatred, which must deeply concern us.
What explains it? From where does it come? What must we do to free ourselves of its toxicity beyond the measures that the state is obliged to take to protect the lives of its citizens?
This violence cannot be dealt with by state coercion alone. It requires a fundamental discussion from education to the concept of the public good and how to manage it.
That will lead to deep reforms as it seems that our society does not produce only democratic citizens.
It also produces enemies of democracy, who absolutely hate it.
One must seek the reasons for this hatred and that is the only way to defeat fear.
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