Σάββατο 22 Μαρτίου 2025
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Lyn Slater : Η 65χρονη γυναίκα που έγινε «fashion icon» εντελώς τυχαία

Lyn Slater : Η 65χρονη γυναίκα που έγινε «fashion icon» εντελώς τυχαία

Η Slater ξεκίνησε το blog και τη σελίδα της στο Instagram, με το όνομα Accidental Icon, αφού συνάντησε μια φίλη έξω από μια επίδειξη μόδας και ξαφνικά άρχισαν να τη βγάζουν πολλές φωτογραφίες

Η Lyn Slater έχει όλο το πακέτο. Η 65χρονη blogger μόδας, που συνεχίζει να αποδεικνύει ότι η ηλικία της δεν είναι καθόλου εμπόδιο στην επιτυχία της, έχει ένα ιδιαίτερο στυλ, χαρακτήρα και αισθητική.

Αυτά τα τρία έφεραν ως αποτέλεσμα να γίνει αρκετά δημοφιλής ειδικά στο Instagram, κλείνοντας πολλές καλές συνεργασίες με οίκους μόδας κλπ.

Είναι καθηγήτρια πανεπιστημίου και κοινωνική λειτουργός, αλλά έχει τη διάθεση να πηγαίνει κόντρα στα στερεότυπα για το τι πρέπει να φορούν οι γυναίκες στα εξήντα τους χρόνια.

Ο λογαριασμός της στο Instagram, είναι κυριολεκτικά μια «συλλογή» τέλειων ρούχων που είθισται να τραβάει την προσοχή, όπως αποφαίνεται και από τα εκατοντάδες σχόλια που έχει κάτω από τις αναρτήσεις της.

Η Slater ξεκίνησε το blog και τη σελίδα της στο Instagram, με το όνομα Accidental Icon, αφού συνάντησε μια φίλη έξω από μια επίδειξη μόδας και ξαφνικά άρχισαν να τη βγάζουν πολλές φωτογραφίες.

«Περιτριγυριζόμουν από φωτογράφους μόδας που τραβούσαν, νομίζοντας ότι ήμουν κάποια που ανήκει στον χώρο της μόδας», είπε στην Huffington Post. «Ήταν πραγματικά πολύ τυχαίο».

Δείτε τις φωτογραφίες της

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During this challenging time I’ve been inspired and lifted by the generosity and care shown by so many, in so many ways, both on the ground and virtually. And so for this post I want to join @naturalizer in saying, “Today We Will Celebrate the Good” I’ve wanted to share this campaign, “Today We Will” with you for awhile, it seems a lifetime ago when I did it. Much has changed and what has occurred has shaken us profoundly. I was so inspired by the energy and activism of the diverse group of women who are featured with me. Now more than ever we’ll need their(our) activist and entrepreneurial energy in the world as we begin to construct a new and different tomorrow. What they’ve(we’ve) done gives me hope and optimism because it makes me know that we have what it takes as women to meet any challenge that may lie ahead as we have met this one. Click the link in my bio to read their stories as well as mine. Let’s amplify our hopes and dreams for a more positive future by joining me in sharing the good you’ve been finding and tagging #TodayWeWill

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Vintage Everything. I’ve been looking at my wardrobe and many other things differently these days. Somehow while staying firmly grounded in the present I’m appreciating the beauty of the past. In these ahistorical times I find history provides lessons we would be wise to remember right now. There’s a comfort in solid well made things from the past that have echoes of craftsmanship and care. I bought this dress at a vintage show mostly because I loved the ruffled collar and cuffs. I’ve never worn it until today. The earrings are from a favorite costume jewelry connoisseur and a vintage costume jeweler recognized for her craft. Today Calvin and I bought a vintage house. Built in 1912 it’s quirky and charming. It retains many details that evidence skilled labor and the work of artisans. It’s a perfect muse for a couple that loves to be creative and are a bit vintage themselves! It’s not quite where we would want it to be but that will be a project I’ll be excited to share with you. So a new chapter begins… How are you thinking about the past these days? #wearnothingnew #vintage #oldasfuk #transitiontimes

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Back to work. I had my first post-COVID NYC quarantine photo shoot this week and I must confess it feels good to be creating again. My life feels like it is coming out of the shadows and into the light. I’m working and we are on the hunt for a new house. This moving forward reminds me of trying to drive a stick shift, going a little bit, then jerking back an inch and ultimately stalling the car. It’s not a smooth drive and I guess like learning to use a clutch it will take practice and time to live in this new now. Although I’m out on the road again I hold the possibility in my head that at some future point this fall I may need to pull back into the garage and stay home awhile as we are from the other side of this. But for now the sun in the light feels good on my face and gives my pallor a little color. I’ll take the moment for what it is, fitfully moving ahead nonetheless. I must admit it’s fun getting dressed again. What’s your moment in the light right now? #oldasfuk #inbetween #transitiontime #gettingdressed

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Nothing for me will ever be the same. I feel like I’ve been put into a cocktail shaker, shaken vigorously and I’m not sure what will pour out. But I know despite the”bitters” it will be something delicious. All my life I’ve been a kind of serial “upcycler,” except I’ve also done it with who I am and how I’m living, not just old things or clothes. Upcycling is the reuse of discarded materials, and I might add for me attitudes, behaviors and lifestyles in such a way as to create a product of higher value or quality than the original. Since we are at the midpoint of the year, I’m going to spend the rest of it upcycling as much of my life, my values and “things” as I can. That includes things like being aware that today is a day we should be supporting Black-owned businesses. I’m wanting a long summer skirt, one that’s casual so these jeans that never looked quite right will do the trick. How to make them something more than just a jean skirt is what I’m pondering now. What’s going to come out of your cocktail shaker? #wearnothingnew #oldasfuk #upcycleyourlife

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The first color palette that enticed me away from black and white were the rose pinks, browns and oranges found in Mexico and the Southwest. Many years ago when my life was full of child raising and both full and part-time jobs a friend much younger than I convinced me to come with her to Mexico for a vacation. We shared over-active imaginations, a desire to write and a passion for Latin dance. She was a romantic, I was a realist. It was a good match except for those moments where we were both a little reckless. My friend had discovered a place called San Miguel de Allende and wanted to explore it as a possible place to live for a lark. At the time I envied her freedom to pick up and leave one life for a new one as effortless as changing from one dress to another. That being said, the trip gave me long lasting technicolor memories, the colors of the place being what moved me the most. Terra-cotta, rich brown wood and Bougainvillea became permanent backdrops for my imagination. These warm colors entered my life once again on a winter’s day this past year when I was introduced to @recreosanmiguel Produced by tailors and artisans about an hour away from San Miguel the garments find their way back to a lovely boutique and to the rest of the world on-line. Currently making and distributing masks to anyone who needs one, the brand supports the culture and place that has welcomed them as it did me so many years ago. So today I thank my friend for making me take a much needed break from everyday life and @recreosanmiguel for bringing it back into my mind every time I wear these clothes.

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Silver lining. Here’s hoping we can find them.

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Σάββατο 22 Μαρτίου 2025