Editorial To Vima: A time of responsibility for everyone
The protection of public health and the country’s prospects more generally will depend on our behaviour on how faithfully we abide by the rules set by the committee of experts which is advising the government.
From the beginning of summer an editorial in To Vima warned that complacency during the summer would pose a serious threat of a significant level of transmission of the coronavirus.
Now we are confronted with the painful results of laxity in enforcing public health guidelines and the unjustifiable climate of complacency that was cultivated in many quarters.
The number of cases has surpassed 300 in one day is still mounting.
Even more alarming is the significant rise in the number of people who are intubated and fighting for their lives in hospital ICUs.
The measures that were taken proved insufficient to stem the rate of transmission of the new virus and now the government is scampering to adopt new, stricter measures with the hope that they will be able to reduce the force of the new wave of the pandemic
The moment of truth has now come for everyone.
The protection of public health and the country’s prospects more generally will depend on our behaviour on how faithfully we abide by the rules set by the committee of experts which is advising the government.
There is no room for a new general lockdown as the economy and social cohesion would suffer irreparable harm.
There is no option other than complying with and abiding by the rules.
Greeks demonstrated in the first phase of the pandemic that they can meet major challenges.
We must do the same now especially as the speed in developing a vaccine promises light at the end of the tunnel.
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