Παρασκευή 20 Δεκεμβρίου 2024
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Δείτε αυτά τα εντυπωσιακά τραπέζια γυαλιού «μουράνο» σχεδιασμένα από Έλληνα – Φώτο

Δείτε αυτά τα εντυπωσιακά τραπέζια γυαλιού «μουράνο» σχεδιασμένα από Έλληνα – Φώτο

Φτιαγμένα εξ ολοκλήρου από φυσητό γυαλί μουράνο, τα τραπέζια διατίθενται σε δύο μεγέθη και δύο χρώματα: έντονο κεχριμπάρι και κομψό πράσινο βενζίνης

Ο Ιταλός κατασκευαστής «miniforms», συνεργάστηκε με τον σχεδιαστή Γιάννη Γκίκα για να δημιουργήσει τη συλλογή τραπεζιού καφέ «σόδα».

Φτιαγμένα εξ ολοκλήρου από φυσητό γυαλί μουράνο, τα τραπέζια διατίθενται σε δύο μεγέθη και δύο χρώματα: έντονο κεχριμπάρι και κομψό πράσινο βενζίνης.

Ξεχωριστό design

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We are excited to present to you the results of our latest collaboration with the Italian brand @miniformsofficial . These are the Soda tables, named after one of the three main ingredients of glass, the material out of which the tables are made. “Soda was born upside-down, with a puff of air. It weighs 20 kilos, and it is blown, drawn out and shaped by three master glassmakers. The result is a single volume of glass with three large petals forming the stem. In Soda, the glass vibrates: its tough, hammered surface fragments its transparency to give a primitive aesthetic. This is artistic value granted to an industrial product.” Throughout Soda’s research and design process, we were astounded at the lack of glass-blown products of this size and kind. It was only later that we realized it is because of the technical difficulties inherent in the handling of such an object, as well as the degree of expertise required to do so. An expertise possessed by a handful of highly skilled artisans in the Italian island of Murano. Among our main objectives was to use one of the most characteristic attributes of glass in our advantage: its transparency. Thus, we designed an object with such a geometry that allows it to play with light and shadow, creating different shapes as one’s perspective changes. Styling @laurapozzistudio , photos @adibo.it #yiannisghikas #yiannisghikasdesign #greekdesign #greekdesigner #designendingreece #productdesign #industrialdesign #glass #murano #miniforms #madeinitaly #craftedinitaly #glassmaking #mouthblownglass #sidetable #coffeetable

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Όπως αναφέρεται στο designboom.com, πήρε το όνομά του μετά από το ένα από τα τρία κύρια στοιχεία του γυαλιού. Τα τραπέζια σόδας χρησιμοποιούν τη διαφάνεια του υλικού και τη γεωμετρία του σχεδιασμού του Γιάννη Γκίκα, για να δημιουργήσουν ένα παιχνίδι φωτός και σκιάς.

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We are excited to present to you the results of our latest collaboration with the Italian brand @miniformsofficial . These are the Soda tables, named after one of the three main ingredients of glass, the material out of which the tables are made. “Soda was born upside-down, with a puff of air. It weighs 20 kilos, and it is blown, drawn out and shaped by three master glassmakers. The result is a single volume of glass with three large petals forming the stem. In Soda, the glass vibrates: its tough, hammered surface fragments its transparency to give a primitive aesthetic. This is artistic value granted to an industrial product.” Throughout Soda’s research and design process, we were astounded at the lack of glass-blown products of this size and kind. It was only later that we realized it is because of the technical difficulties inherent in the handling of such an object, as well as the degree of expertise required to do so. An expertise possessed by a handful of highly skilled artisans in the Italian island of Murano. Among our main objectives was to use one of the most characteristic attributes of glass in our advantage: its transparency. Thus, we designed an object with such a geometry that allows it to play with light and shadow, creating different shapes as one’s perspective changes. Styling @laurapozzistudio , photos @adibo.it #yiannisghikas #yiannisghikasdesign #greekdesign #greekdesigner #designendingreece #productdesign #industrialdesign #glass #murano #miniforms #madeinitaly #craftedinitaly #glassmaking #mouthblownglass #sidetable #coffeetable

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Διαμορφώνονται διαφορετικά σχήματα καθώς αλλάζει η προοπτική του θεατή. Αν κοιτάξετε το τραπέζι από μια συγκεκριμένη άκρη, βλέπετε πιο σκούρα μέρη λόγω του τρόπου αλληλεπικάλυψης των στρωμάτων του γυαλιού.

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We are excited to present to you the results of our latest collaboration with the Italian brand @miniformsofficial . These are the Soda tables, named after one of the three main ingredients of glass, the material out of which the tables are made. “Soda was born upside-down, with a puff of air. It weighs 20 kilos, and it is blown, drawn out and shaped by three master glassmakers. The result is a single volume of glass with three large petals forming the stem. In Soda, the glass vibrates: its tough, hammered surface fragments its transparency to give a primitive aesthetic. This is artistic value granted to an industrial product.” Throughout Soda’s research and design process, we were astounded at the lack of glass-blown products of this size and kind. It was only later that we realized it is because of the technical difficulties inherent in the handling of such an object, as well as the degree of expertise required to do so. An expertise possessed by a handful of highly skilled artisans in the Italian island of Murano. Among our main objectives was to use one of the most characteristic attributes of glass in our advantage: its transparency. Thus, we designed an object with such a geometry that allows it to play with light and shadow, creating different shapes as one’s perspective changes. Styling @laurapozzistudio , photos @adibo.it #yiannisghikas #yiannisghikasdesign #greekdesign #greekdesigner #designendingreece #productdesign #industrialdesign #glass #murano #miniforms #madeinitaly #craftedinitaly #glassmaking #mouthblownglass #sidetable #coffeetable

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Κάθε κομμάτι ζυγίζει περίπου 20 κιλά και φουσκώνεται, τραβιέται και διαμορφώνεται από τρεις κύριους κατασκευαστές γυαλιού. Το αποτέλεσμα είναι ένας ενιαίος όγκος γυαλιού με τρία μεγάλα πέταλα που σχηματίζουν το στέλεχος.

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We are excited to present to you the results of our latest collaboration with the Italian brand @miniformsofficial . These are the Soda tables, named after one of the three main ingredients of glass, the material out of which the tables are made. “Soda was born upside-down, with a puff of air. It weighs 20 kilos, and it is blown, drawn out and shaped by three master glassmakers. The result is a single volume of glass with three large petals forming the stem. In Soda, the glass vibrates: its tough, hammered surface fragments its transparency to give a primitive aesthetic. This is artistic value granted to an industrial product.” Throughout Soda’s research and design process, we were astounded at the lack of glass-blown products of this size and kind. It was only later that we realized it is because of the technical difficulties inherent in the handling of such an object, as well as the degree of expertise required to do so. An expertise possessed by a handful of highly skilled artisans in the Italian island of Murano. Among our main objectives was to use one of the most characteristic attributes of glass in our advantage: its transparency. Thus, we designed an object with such a geometry that allows it to play with light and shadow, creating different shapes as one’s perspective changes. Styling @laurapozzistudio , photos @adibo.it #yiannisghikas #yiannisghikasdesign #greekdesign #greekdesigner #designendingreece #productdesign #industrialdesign #glass #murano #miniforms #madeinitaly #craftedinitaly #glassmaking #mouthblownglass #sidetable #coffeetable

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Κατά την κατασκευή των τραπεζιών, οι ειδικευμένοι τεχνίτες του μουράνο πρέπει επίσης να προσαρμόσουν προσεκτικά ένα περίπλοκο σύστημα καυστήρων για να διατηρήσουν την ίδια θερμοκρασία σε όλο το καλούπι, το οποίο είναι απαραίτητο για τη δημιουργία της τελικής «σφυρηλατημένης» επιφάνειας.

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We are excited to present to you the results of our latest collaboration with the Italian brand @miniformsofficial . These are the Soda tables, named after one of the three main ingredients of glass, the material out of which the tables are made. “Soda was born upside-down, with a puff of air. It weighs 20 kilos, and it is blown, drawn out and shaped by three master glassmakers. The result is a single volume of glass with three large petals forming the stem. In Soda, the glass vibrates: its tough, hammered surface fragments its transparency to give a primitive aesthetic. This is artistic value granted to an industrial product.” Throughout Soda’s research and design process, we were astounded at the lack of glass-blown products of this size and kind. It was only later that we realized it is because of the technical difficulties inherent in the handling of such an object, as well as the degree of expertise required to do so. An expertise possessed by a handful of highly skilled artisans in the Italian island of Murano. Among our main objectives was to use one of the most characteristic attributes of glass in our advantage: its transparency. Thus, we designed an object with such a geometry that allows it to play with light and shadow, creating different shapes as one’s perspective changes. Styling @laurapozzistudio , photos @adibo.it #yiannisghikas #yiannisghikasdesign #greekdesign #greekdesigner #designendingreece #productdesign #industrialdesign #glass #murano #miniforms #madeinitaly #craftedinitaly #glassmaking #mouthblownglass #sidetable

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Εκτός από την ανάδειξη της χειροτεχνίας αυτών των Ιταλών τεχνιτών, το στυλ αυτής της συλλογής αντικατοπτρίζει επίσης το brand «miniforms»: είναι εικονική, απλή, πολύχρωμη και ακόμη και «funky».

«Έχουμε μια ελαφριά προσέγγιση στο σχεδιασμό και η σόδα αντικατοπτρίζει αυτή τη στάση. Επίσης, μας αρέσει να συνδυάζουμε παραδοσιακά στοιχεία του παρελθόντος, όπως να δουλεύουμε με γυαλί μουράνο και να τo εισάγουμε σε ένα σύγχρονο περιβάλλον».

«Είναι εντάξει να κοιτάζεις στο παρελθόν, απλά να μην κολλάς σε αυτό».

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We are excited to present to you the results of our latest collaboration with the Italian brand Miniforms. These are the Soda tables, named after one of the three main ingredients of glass, the material out of which the tables are made. “Soda was born upside-down, with a puff of air. It weighs 20 kilos, and it is blown, drawn out and shaped by three master glassmakers. The result is a single volume of glass with three large petals forming the stem. In Soda, the glass vibrates: its tough, hammered surface fragments its transparency to give a primitive aesthetic. This is artistic value granted to an industrial product.” Throughout Soda’s research and design process, we were astounded at the lack of glass-blown products of this size and kind. It was only later that we realized it is because of the technical difficulties inherent in the handling of such an object, as well as the degree of expertise required to do so. An expertise possessed by a handful of highly skilled artisans in the Italian island of Murano. Among our main objectives was to use one of the most characteristic attributes of glass in our advantage: its transparency. Thus, we designed an object with such a geometry that allows it to play with light and shadow, creating different shapes as one’s perspective change. #yiannisghikas #yiannisghikasdesign #greekdesign #greekdesigner #designendingreece #productdesign #industrialdesign #glass #murano #miniforms #madeinitaly #craftedinitaly #glassmaking #mouthblownglass #sidetable #coffeetable

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Χαμός στη Βραζιλία: «Ο Βινίσιους έχασε τη Χρυσή Μπάλα λόγω ρατσισμού»

Μετά το The Best, ορισμένα Μέσα ενημέρωσης στην πατρίδα του αστέρα της Ρεάλ Μαδρίτης, Βινίσιους, επικρίνουν για άλλη μια φορά την απόφαση να δοθεί το βραβείο στον Ρόδρι.

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Παρασκευή 20 Δεκεμβρίου 2024