Editorial To Vima: No Age Discrimination in coronavirus spread
Greece’s National Public Health Organization (EODY) data show there are even 18-year old patients suffering from COVID-19 who are intubated in hospital ICUs.
Since Aristotle’s time some basic characteristics of the youth remain unchanged.
The Stagirite philosopher’s description is decisive and unchanged.
Among other distinctive traits is a firm resistance to preaching and firm urgings.
The illusion of immortality that is inherent in the nature of youth is ominous in the current pandemic.
The nightmarish death count bears witness to that indisputable fact.
The bleak statistical data that are now part of our everyday life confirm that SARS-CoV-2 does not discriminate in choosing its victims as do its less “evolved” relatives.
According to data recently released by Greece’s National Public Health Organization (EODY) there are even 18-year old patients suffering from COVID-19 who are intubated in hospital ICUs.
Greek youth must therefore wage a difficult battle with their own nature in order to abide by strict public health restrictions.
It is a battle that they must win in order to protect their own lives and those of their loved ones.
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