Κυριακή 20 Οκτωβρίου 2024
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Vasilis Kikilias, the Greek Minister of Health, inaugurated 12 new ICU beds

Vasilis Kikilias, the Greek Minister of Health, inaugurated 12 new ICU beds

ICU beds were developed after a generous donation by Mr. Evangelos Marinakis, Mrs. Angeliki Frangou and ION S.A.

Vasilis Kikilias, the Greek Minister of Health, inaugurated 12 new ICU beds, delivered to the Intensive Care Unit of the General State Hospital of Nikaia  

These ICU beds were developed after a generous donation by Mr. Evangelos Marinakis, Mrs. Angeliki Frangou and ION S.A.  

The following statements were made after the inauguration of the new ICU beds.  

Vasilis Kikilias: I would like to thank the doctors, nurses, and the other staff of the General State Hospital of Nikaia for their effort and the outstanding work they are doing in a big and important for us hospital  

Today, we stand here to receive the 12 ICU beds that are a kind donation and offer by Mr. Marinakis, Mrs. Frangou and ION S.A. We would like to thank them, because amidst a coronavirus pandemic and a crisis they have taken practical steps to help the National Health System, something that you can see now in front of you.  

This donation is very important, because it takes place at the General State Hospital of Nikaia, which covers a large area, with great needs and these Intensive Care beds will help save lives.  

Again, we would like to thank you very much.  

Evangelos Marinakis: I would like to thank all National Health System doctors and the entire health organization. I was one of the first to experience coronavirus, early enough in March, and the National Health System response was simply inspiring. I am using this opportunity once again to thank you all, for pushing yourselves beyond limits in these critical moments. From our side, I consider we have to contribute in this effort. What matters is that all 12 beds and medical equipment are state-of-the-art and they have been delivered very quickly; this means a lot since our country needs them now more than ever. I believe that very soon we will be able to leave this pandemic behind, stronger and united.  

 Angeliki Frangou: We would like to thank the doctors, nurses and all the staff working at this hospital, because for the very important and significant work they are doing. This is a very small offer, in order to facilitate their work and to thank them for what they do and protect us.  

Konstantina Kotsiopoulou (Chairperson of the Board, ION S.A.) In my turn, I would like to thank the doctors, the nurses, the entire hospital staff and the family of ION S.A. that supported this effort. We are very proud that we managed to contribute in this manner to the big struggle waged by the National Health System.  

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Κυριακή 20 Οκτωβρίου 2024