Τρίτη 11 Μαρτίου 2025
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Kammenos: «I had no information about Marinakis involvement in the Noor One case»

Kammenos: «I had no information about Marinakis involvement in the Noor One case»

«I trust the Greek justice, which recently decided that there is no involvement of the businessman in any drugs cases and more specifically in the transport of three tones of cocaine with Noor One»

Speaking to Greek media, former Defence Minister, Panos Kammenos, stated that what is mentioned in a recent article of Νew Republic, about the involvement of Evangelos Marinakis in the case of Noor One ship, is not true. He also mentioned that there is no truth in anything that is posted regarding the alleged information he had received from foreign agencies about Evangelos Marinakis.

In particular, the former Defence Minister stated: «I want to be crystal clear and fair, this has nothing to do with scenarios presented in the Greek and foreign press, as in the new republic magazine. My controversy with the media group and its executives does not mean that there is any truth in the supposed information that I had received some kind of briefing from foreign agencies regarding the businessman in question (Evangelos Marinakis). Besides, I trust the Greek justice, which recently decided that there is no involvement of the businessman in any drugs cases and more specifically in the transport of three tones of cocaine with Noor One».

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Τρίτη 11 Μαρτίου 2025