Mytilineos exec: Group ready to enter offshore wind power sector with foreign multinational
Dinos Benroubi, the CEO of Protergia, Mytilineos’ electricity and natgas provider for the Greek market, made the announcement during statements at the 6th Delphi Economic Forum in Athens
Greece-based industrial and metals group Mytilineos is ready to enter the offshore wind power sector, a top executive announced on Tuesday, adding that the company will partner with a foreign company with a major presence and experience in the field.
Dinos Benroubi, the CEO of Protergia, Mytilineos’ electricity and natgas provider for the Greek market, made the announcement during statements at the 6th Delphi Economic Forum in Athens.
He added that details will be announced in the coming days regarding the agreement with the multinational, with which ATHEX-listed Mytilineos will enter the renewable energy sources’ market, and specifically the offshore wind power sector.
Beyond RESs, Benroubi said the group wants to build more wind power units of up to 300MW in total output, while also citing an investment plan for the construction of a 1.48GW photovoltaic network, along with storage systems of up to 1.1GW.
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