Πέμπτη 09 Ιανουαρίου 2025
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Santander Consumer Finance begins activities in Greece

Santander Consumer Finance begins activities in Greece

The leading European consumer finance company in collaboration with the Siggelidis Group will offer financing solutions to its customers.

Santander Consumer Finance, the leading consumer finance company in Europe, is beginning its activity in Greece in collaboration with the Siggelidis Group, offering financing solutions to its customers.

Santander announced the start of its activities in the Greek market in March 2021, with its official presentation to the network of representatives of the Siggelidis Group. In the same month, it conducted the first financing in Greece.

The cooperation with the Siggelidis Group – one of the largest car importers in Greece with a presence in the field since 1970 – enables Santander Consumer Finance to enter a new market, strengthening its leading position in Europe, in which it already has a presence. with more than 130,000 service points in 16 countries (Austria, Germany, Belgium, Denmark, Spain, Finland, France, Greece, the Netherlands, Italy, Norway, Poland, Portugal, the United Kingdom, Sweden and Switzerland).

The head of Santander Consumer Finance in Greece, Eleni Chronea, states: “We are very excited to welcome the promising cooperation with the Siggelidis Group, which is one of the most powerful groups in the automobile sector. This partnership gives us the opportunity to enter a new market for the first time, strengthening our leadership position in Europe.”

Polychronis Siggelidis, President and CEO of the Siggelidis Group, noted: “We are very happy to have such a strong ally, a pioneer in automobile financing. Together we will face the challenges that have been presented in the Sector, continuing the course of successful and continuous development.”

Πηγή: ΟΤ

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Πέμπτη 09 Ιανουαρίου 2025