Rhodes opens its tourist season today with nine flights
The first two flights arrived early in the morning from Israel while during the day more flights from Israel are expected to arrive as well as one flight from Paris and one from Brussels.
The tourist season for the island of Rhodes started today with expectations that things will get better in the coming weeks, according to the forecasts of the island’s tourism professionals.
Officially, the beginning of the tourist season was marked by the arrival, this morning, of the first tourists from Israel and in fact with several flights during the day, (a total of 9 of which 7 from Israel) while the deputy mayor for Tourism Promotion, Costas Taraslias, with executives of the Tourism Directorate, welcomed the first tourists with music, traditional dances, treats, and traditional products
The first two flights arrived early in the morning from Israel while during the day other flights from Israel are expected to arrive as well as one flight from Paris and one from Brussels.
In his statements, the governor of the South Aegean region, George Chatzimarkos, expressed his satisfaction wishing a good season and pointing out that “a mature tourist destination is one that inspires confidence in its visitors. It is one that has proven that even in the most difficult situations it designs and implements solutions to all problems. It is one that relies on the good and hard work of the healthy part of his society. This part of society that is, fortunately for all, overwhelmingly bigger than the part that is constantly looking for mistakes in a global crisis that has led all countries to paralysis.”
“We succeeded in offering tourism in 2020, we will succeed in 2021 as well,” Mr. Hatzimarkos also stressed.
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