Former MP and foreign minister gets new car from parliament years after leaving politics
Pangalos wrote a letter to the current deputy premier, Panagiotis Pikrammenos, in which he described the manufacturer and model of his old car, how many kilometres it had racked up along with its problems and repairs.
About eight years after withdrawing from Greek politics, an application submitted by former foreign minister and ex-MP Theodoros Pangalos to receive a free, brand new car.
According to To Vima’a “Vimatodotis” column, the former foreign minister and ex-deputy premier, Mr. Pangalos was simply taking advantage of a law that gives someone of his stature a freebie automobile every so often (unclear how long).
He was said, as the columnist noted, to have expressed dissatisfaction with former state-bought cars that were given him.
Pangalos wrote a letter to the current deputy premier, Panagiotis Pikrammenos, in which he described the manufacturer and model of his old car, how many kilometres it had racked up along with its problems and a list of repairs.
Mr Pangalos’ application for a car was approved despite the fact that he has been out of politics since 2012.
That is because there is a law that former MPs are entitled to receive a car from the state.
There have been some who have called for the abolition of this law, which allows even former MPs of the now defunct, far-right Golden Dawn party to get a free vehicle.
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