Expat vote: Voridis calls on SYRIZA for consent
The Minister of Interior again addressed a call to SYRIZA for consent, declaring that the government is open to start a new discussion on technical issues for the vote of expatriates, provided that SYRIZA accepts that their vote will be equal and will be counted in the total electoral result.
The Minister of Interior, Makis Voridis, again called on SYRIZA for consent, stating that he is open to start immediately, a new discussion on technical issues for the expatriate vote, provided that the official opposition accepts that their vote will be equal. and will be counted in the overall election result.
To be counted equally
“We want the vote of Greeks abroad to be equal and to be counted in the election result. Everything else, such as whether expat representatives will be elected by list, whether they will be on national-wide party-list or will be elected through another list and in what proportion, are part of a technical discussion that we are ready to have”, Mr. Voridis emphasized characteristically. a
Clear talk
“I am ready to agree on everything and I will be completely tolerant to form this type of consensus. But we are not going to play with maybe or not. We want clear talk. SYRIZA has the required majority, I address it and as soon as it accepts these two conditions, the technical discussion for everything begins, which we can do comfortably”.
The president of MERA25, Giannis Varoufakis, stated that he is completely in line with Mr. Voridis’ proposal and the conditions he set, however, as he said, the bill that is being discussed today in Parliament, violates the equal vote and that is why he and his party are voting against it.
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