Drewry shipping consultancy forecasts short-fall in merchant marine officers by 2026
According to the global shipping consultancy, “the current officer shortfall to crew the global merchant fleet is forecast to widen, despite the dampening effect of Covid-19
A short-fall in the number of merchant marine officers (masters, chief engineers etc.) is forecast for much of the coming decade, according to a report released on Wednesday by Drewry.
According to the global shipping consultancy, “the current officer shortfall to crew the global merchant fleet is forecast to widen, despite the dampening effect of Covid-19.
This is due to the reduced attractiveness of a career at sea and rising man-berth ratios which will inflate future manning costs.
“Seafaring is no longer the attractive occupation it once was as competition from shore-based roles intensifies and the lifestyle with its associated mental health challenges becomes less appealing,” was the statement included in the report by Drewry senior manning analyst Rhett Harris, who also cited negative press touching on how the Covid-19 pandemic stranded crews and formed longer work hours.
The entire report is here .
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