Greece soon to be included in Britain’s ‘Green’ list of safe countries for travel, says UK Ambassador Smith
Greece is currently classified in the ‘Amber’ list of countries, which means that Britons are not advised to travel to it
Greece will soon be included in Britain’s ‘Green’ list of countries, said British Ambassador to Greece Kate Smith at a webinar on tourism and security held on Tuesday.
On May 17, the UK introduced a so-called ‘traffic light’ system for travelling abroad based on the coronavirus pandemic situation in foreign countries.
Greece is currently classified in the ‘Amber’ list of countries, which means that Britons are not advised to travel to it, but whoever does must take two diagnostic tests on the second and eighth day after arrival.
People returning from a country on the ‘Green’ list will not need to quarantine and will only be required to take one diagnostic test two days after arriving in the UK.
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