Huge counterfeit goods haul at Elefsina customs
Authorities estimate that they are on the trail of an international counterfeit goods ring, which make significant profits, deceiving consumers
A total of 2,286 pieces of counterfeit goods were found by the customs inspectors of the Independent Public Revenue Authority (AADE). Specifically, according to sources from AADE, at the Elefsina Customs, a significant haul originating as cargo from Turkey was located and seized, which was ready to flood the Greek market with such goods.
With the help of technology and container control machines, they found 2,286 pieces of counterfeit goods (clothes, shoes, bags, wallets, etc.) of well-known brands, as well as 3,362 pieces of imitation stickers and name brand labels.
Based on the data to date, the authorities estimate that they are on the trail of an international ring of counterfeit goods, which accumulates significant profits, deceiving consumers.
Traders, who are members of the ring, have already been identified. They have been selling such counterfeit products as genuine, significantly increasing – and illegally – their profit margins.
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