PM Mitsotakis tours TeamViewer R&D unit in Ioannina
“It significant that we’re now seeing that Greece, a country which is obviously well-known for its natural beauty, its culture and its historical legacy, to now slowly become known as a country on the front line of a technological revolution,” he later Tweeted.
Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis took his “pro-vax” message on this road to the provinces on Friday, arriving in the northwest lake-side city of Ioannina, where he visited a new vaccination center in the city – largest in the Epirus province – but also a R&D hub opened by international software maker TeamViewer.
“It significant that we’re now seeing that Greece, a country which is obviously well-known for its natural beauty, its culture and its historical legacy, to now slowly become known as a country on the front line of a technological revolution,” he later Tweeted.
He added that a so-called “digital transition”, something repeatedly played up by his center-right and pro-reform government, has a huge significance for the national and regional levels. The comes in the wake of an announcement by the Epirus regional authority that it will establish a “tech park” near the Ioannina University, with guaranteed funding so far of 20 million euros.
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