US Congresswoman Malliotakis Submits AHI Testimony into Congressional Record
In written testimony, President Larigakis stated in the best interests of the United States that AHI opposed: (1) any proposed foreign aid and assistance to Turkey from the United States, and (2) any proposed reduction in the aid levels for the UN Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus.
U.S. Representative Nicole Malliotakis (R-NY) submitted into the Congressional Record the American Hellenic Institute’s (AHI) written testimony to the House of Representatives Appropriations Subcommittee on State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs on the Biden Administration’s foreign aid proposal for FY2022.
In her June 17, 2021 Extension of Remarks, Congresswoman Malliotakis stated: “Madam Speaker, I include in the Record remarks from the American Hellenic Institute on the Administration’s proposed FY2022 foreign aid budget and U.S. interests in the Eastern Mediterranean. In promoting peace and stability in this critical region, Congress must authorize robust, America-first security assistance to our democratic allies in the Eastern Mediterranean–Greece and Cyprus. Any security assistance which counters U.S. interests, to Turkey and UN “peacekeeping” efforts in Cyprus, namely, will only serve to advance instability and ideological expansionism in this region. Greece and Cyprus are key allies of our Nation, and we must continue to support their security for years to come.”
“We applaud Congresswoman Malliotakis for her staunch advocacy of Greece and Cyprus and for calling out Turkey’s irredentism as a threat to regional security,” AHI President Nick Larigakis said. “We sincerely thank the congresswoman for entering our testimony into the Congressional Record and for her support.”
In written testimony, President Larigakis stated in the best interests of the United States that AHI opposed: (1) any proposed foreign aid and assistance to Turkey from the United States, and (2) any proposed reduction in the aid levels for the UN Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus.
AHI advocated for the current funding level for NATO ally Greece’s International Military Education and Training (IMET) program to be raised from a $1 million to a $1.5 million appropriation, as authorized in The Eastern Mediterranean Security and Energy Partnership Act. The Act passed as part of the FY2020 government funding package in December 2019. The Eastern Mediterranean Security and Energy Partnership Act also authorized, for the first time, $500,000 for the Republic of Cyprus’ IMET program, which Congress appropriated. AHI recommended to the subcommittee that the $500,000 appropriated for the Republic of Cyprus’ IMET program must be maintained.
In addition, AHI recommended that a minimum of $10 million to be appropriated in foreign military financing to Greece.
AHI submitted the written testimony on June 11, 2021.
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