According to Skyscanner, Athens is in a very high position in the preferences of American tourists, as shown by the air ticket reservations that have preceded the previous period.

Based on the results of a survey of the top tourist destinations in view of the Independence Day on July 4, published by the travel search engine Skyscanner, the Greek capital is ranked 3rd among the 5 most popular choices of Americans for travel outside the United States.

The research examines the top options for travel within the United States and abroad. These are searches made through Skyscanner for the period from March 18 to June 18 for trips mainly in coach class with return.

In the top 5 of trips abroad the first place is occupied by Cancun in Mexico, San Juan in Puerto Rico is in the second place, Athens, as mentioned above in the third, above London, which is in  fourth place, while Mexico City ranks fifth among the most popular destinations for Americans outside the US.

In the USA, according to data from Skyscanner, the top 5 trips for Independence Day include New York, Las Vegas, Orlando, Los Angeles, and Denver.

It should be noted that the July 4 holiday is considered a “milestone” for the resumption of leisure travel in the US after the lifting of restrictive measures and it is already estimated that more than 47 million Americans will travel, both inside and outside the country.

According to Skyscanner, the average price for travel abroad is $ 722, while for domestic travel it is $ 249.