IAPR: 54 tons of adulterated beverages were confiscated
Products adulterated and therefore dangerous to public health, or/and smuggled, resulting in a loss of significant revenue for public coffers.
A large amount of adulterated and smuggled alcohol was seized by the customs inspectors of the Independent Public Revenue Authority (IAPR). Specifically, within 48 hours, 54 tons of adulterated and smuggled alcohol were detected and seized. The new operation of the authorities is a “significant blow to the fraud and illicit trafficking circuits of alcoholic beverages”, competent sources emphasize.
These are products which are either adulterated and therefore dangerous to public health, or/and smuggled, resulting in a loss of significant revenue for public coffers, distorting also the competition.
According to the same sources, the auditors are particularly interested in the following points of interest:
Firstly, in the fact that the nationwide character of the 48-hour operation helped to identify the points of fraud across the country, for which there are strong indications that they are interconnected.
Secondly, in the significant quantities of smuggled beer that were detected, a fact that shows that these circuits also show interest in lower priced alcoholic products.
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