Editorial Ta Nea: A real accomplishment
The modernisation and streamlining of the state that is underway is an issue of lowering cost and improving quality. It is a credit to the government and to the digital policy minister.
The elimination of required bureaucratic documentation for the transfer of real estate (until now a whopping 20 were needed) is a laudable institutional reform.
The advantage is not only that citizens will save time and money or that the state will benefit, but also that this is the first time in Modern Greek history that the country’s public administration is citizen-friendly and not hostile.
Electronic property transfers and other reforms that have or are expected to be implemented is something of a digital revolution that contributes to creating a more flexible state.
The Fourth Industrial Revolution is not, fortunately for Greece, just a plan on paper or a matter of verbalistic declarations.
It is a new motive force of history that is already changing our daily life, transcending Kafkaesque situations with piles of documentation, untrammelled bureaucracy, and delays.
The modernisation and streamlining of the state that is underway is an issue of lowering cost and improving quality. It is a credit to the government and to the competent minister.
Moreover, the electronic transfer of property facilitates the work of tax authorities, bolsters justice and respects the equality of citizens.
We are confronted with a new word and day by day digital leaps will help us achieve a better quality of life and a better cooperation of the state with citizens.
The rapid fire coordination of skills, digital accomplishments, and a plan to streamline the state is one of the greatest ongoing reforms in the country.
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