Editorial Ta Nea: Green
The new climate law, the EU’s new plan for the environment, the harmonisation of countries with the new terrain, and the achievements of science, that can shape our new life in the 21st century, are necessary not just for improving our quality of life, but also for ensuring its continuation.
The prospective withdrawal of old-technology automobiles that is being discussed is a strategic step in the transition to a climate-friendly era.
The caps on car emissions must not escape our attention. Yet the coordination of national reforms with a comprehensive EU policy green policy is urgent, and it is already under way.
At the same time, citizens will be encouraged to buy new, climate-friendly cars. Beyond the green dimension of the policy, it will contribute to the revitalisation of the market, which has been battered by the pandemic crisis.
The new climate law, the EU’s new plan for the environment, the harmonisation of countries with the new terrain, and the achievements of science, that can shape our new life in the 21st century, are necessary not just for improving our quality of life, but also for ensuring its continuation.
All of the latest phenomena (overheating, the melting of ice, wildfires, and floods) constitute a resounding alarm bell for Greece and the entire planet.
The green New Deal is not just another appropriation of political management. It is the starting point and precondition for saving whatever is salvageable.
It is necessary for governments to be part of this effort.
Fortunately our government is acting in a positive and mature manner.
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