Mitsotakis: The vaccination platform will be open for children 12 years and older
The PM clarified that parents will have the power to make any decision, and that vaccination for children will never be mandatory.
The Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis referred to the vaccinations of the children during his tour in Messinia.
Specifically, talking to citizens, he said that the platform will be open for ages 12 and up, without giving a specific date according to the information so far.
However, he clarified that parents will have the opportunity to make any decision, and that vaccination for children will never be mandatory.
“The government will listen to the relevant suggestions of the experts,” said Mr. Mitsotakis.
“The vaccination of our young people is urgent, which is today the main volume of new cases that can accelerate our return to normalcy,” said government spokeswoman Aristotle Peloni.
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