ATHEX group reports rise in H1 2021 turnover
Roughly half of the group’s turnover comes from revenues from trading, liquidation and settlement of transactions of shares listed with ATHEX, with the figure up by 4 percent compared to H1 2020
The Athens Stock Exchange (ATHEX) group on Monday announced first half 2021 results, with turnover reaching 18.41 million euros, up from 15.18 million euros during the same period in 2020, an increase of 21.3 percent.
Roughly half of the group’s turnover comes from revenues from trading, liquidation and settlement of transactions of shares listed with ATHEX, with the figure up by 4 percent compared to H1 2020.
Another 22 percent of turnover is derived from the level of market capitalizaton, which increased by 1.23 million compared to the same period in 2020 (up 44.8 percent), along with new public issues.
Finally, 28 percent of turnover is derived from services and data offered by the ATHEX group.
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