SΕΤΚΕ: 50% discount for accommodation of members of the Hellenic Nurses Association
The Confederation of Tourist Accommodation Entrepreneurs of Greece signed a cooperation agreement with the Hellenic Nurses Association
Special prices and accommodation discounts are offered by the members of the Confederation of Greek Tourist Accommodation Entrepreneurs (SETKE) to the nurses of the National Health System, wanting to say its own thanks to all those who for a year and a half have been fighting at the front lines, in hospitals, against Covid -19.
In particular, SETKE signed a cooperation agreement with the Hellenic Nurses Association, which provides for reduced accommodation rates for nurses-members of the Union, as a minimum recognition of the superhuman effort they are making, to defend the most precious of commodities, health. To all those who are faithful to the oath of Hippocrates and displaying a high sense of responsibility, going beyond their limits in order to save the lives of their fellow human beings.
Speaking about the accommodation offer of SETKE towards the country’s nursing community, the president of the Confederation, Mr. Panagiotis Tokouzis, said: “This initiative of our Confederation is the practical, minimal recognition of the work of all these simple, everyday people, who with their attitude teach life lessons, and mental fortitude.”
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