Editorial To Vima: Drastic measures now!
The government must immediately commence procedures for the procurement and chartering of new fire planes as the current fleet is antiquated. The state must upgrade and radically reform the country’s Civil Protection structures.
Greece is in the midst of a seemingly endless inferno. It is an unprecedented disaster of biblical dimensions.
By all appearances, the infernos in certain parts of the country will remain active and pose a threat over the coming days.
Our country must immediately take drastic measures without hesitations or reservations.
The state without delay must bring in the army to save whatever one can.
The government must immediately commence procedures for the procurement and chartering of new fire planes as the current fleet is antiquated.
The state must upgrade and radically reform the country’s Civil Protection structures.
It must ban as of today any use of burnt land and it must immediately order re-forestation of fire-stricken areas.
At the same time it must pay out initial compensation and provide housing for the fire-stricken.
There is no time for any more delays.
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