Covid-19 measures for Greek schools announced; educators required to provide negative lab tests if un-vaxxed
Pupils above the age of 12 must present a vaccination certificate, or confirmation of previously contracting the virus within the past six months, or, at the very least, two negative self-test results per week
Greece’s education ministry on Friday announced Covid-19-related the measures and restrictions that will apply for the return of educators and pupils in the country’s primary and secondary levels. The 2021-22 academic year commences on Sept. 13.
Pupils above the age of 12 must present a vaccination certificate, or confirmation of previously contracting the virus within the past six months, or, at the very least, two negative self-test results per week.
The same regime will apply educators, with the difference being that the latter must provide a twice weekly negative lab test results (rapid or PCR), and with the cost to be borne by the educators themselves.
If a pupil or educator is diagnosed as positive, then a 10-day quarantine period will be mandated.
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