Greek PM – Financial aid of 1,200 euros to new recruits for 6 months
According to the Greek Prime Minister, youngsters up to 29 years old, without any work experience, when they are hired full time, will be granted by the State the amount of 1,200 euros for 6 months
As the Greek Prime Minister, Kyriakos Mitsotakis, announced from the podium of the Thessaloniki International Fair, youngsters up to 29 years old, without any work experience, when they are hired full time, will be granted by the State the amount of 1,200 euros for 6 months.
The 600 euros will go to employers, so as to reduce insurance costs, and the other 600 will be given directly to young employees.
From 1/1/2021, the tax on parental benefits up to 800,000 euros is going to be abolished.
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