Ioannis Bratakos elected as new president of Athens Chamber of Commerce & Industry (ACCI)
Bratakos, who is the general secretary of the ruling New Democracy (ND) party, was elected during a session of ACCI’s board of directors
Ioannis Bratakos was elected as president of the Athens Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ACCI) on Wednesday afternoon to a new term until December 2022.
Bratakos, who is the general secretary of the ruling New Democracy (ND) party, was elected during a session of ACCI’s board of directors, and after his predecessor, Constantinos Michalos, passed away from a sudden heart attack in early August.
ACCI comprises Greece’s biggest and most influential chamber of commerce, with its president traditionally holding the post of president of the Central Union of Chambers of Greece.
Bratakos, an IT entrepreneur and executive, has been a member of ACCI since 2006, while in December 2017 he was elected as one of the chamber’s vice-presidents, holding the portfolio for start-ups, investments, new technologies and innovation.
In a brief address, he referred to the work of his predecessor, underlining that “it is the basis and inspiration for us to continue to serve business people and entrepreneurship; with the devotion, dynamism and passion that always distinguished Constantinos (Michalos).”
Looking to the future, he said a major goal for the chamber will be the digitization and online access of all of ACCI’s services, thereby eliminating any delays or even the need to visit the chamber’s office.
“This digital transformation will begin with an upgrade of internal systems and operations, and will continue with the services we offer to members. We must be trail-blazers in the country’s digital transformation,” he said.
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