Σάββατο 19 Οκτωβρίου 2024
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P&G – 2 more pocket parks

P&G – 2 more pocket parks

Within 6 months, the company has created a total of five new pocket parks

P&G, steadfast in its commitment to helping create more sustainable cities, continues to work with the Earth Organization and local agencies to deliver two new pocket parks.

Within 6 months, five new pocket parks have been created, giving breath to the neighborhoods of large urban centers, according to a relevant information from the company.

The pocket park in Pagrati, with an area of ​​750 sq.m., was the beginning. The pocket park in Metaxourgeio, with an area of ​​300 sq.m. and the pocket park in Sepolia. Today, P&G, known for its Fairy, Ariel and Pampers products, continues with the delivery of two new pocket parks, in Petroupolis and Aspropyrgos.

The pocket park in Petroupolis, with an area of ​​1060 sq.m., is located at the junction of Eleon and Makedonias streets. More than 1,850 plants were planted in the park, including aromatic, grassy, ​​climbing, ground cover, large shrubs and trees. Especially for the little friends of the park in Petroupolis, with the contribution of the Pampers, play areas were created for endless hours of fun, creative activity and joy.

The pocket park in Aspropyrgos, with an area of ​​350 sq.m., is located on 28th of October Street. It was covered with more than 770 plants and trees, while the flora consist mainly of aromatic plants and large shrubs.

The construction of all pocket parks is guided by the principles of circular economy and sustainable development. To date, more than 3,500 plants and trees have been planted. In addition, urban equipment was added, such as autonomous voltage lighting systems, buckets, taps and benches, giving new life to the neighborhoods.

Pocket parks are unique opportunities to make the most of unused and abandoned space. They breathe new life into densely populated urban centers and at the same time contribute to the absorption of carbon dioxide, contributing significantly to enhancing the sustainability of cities and the quality of life of all of us.

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Σάββατο 19 Οκτωβρίου 2024