Heraklion Port Authority – Who is expressing interest in 67% of the shares
Heraklion Port Authority in 2019 presented revenues of 6.57 million euros, increased by 3.28% compared to the previous year 2018
Tomorrow, Friday, September 17, the die is cast for 67% of the shares of the Port of Heraklion Organization put up for sale by the HRADF.
According to information available to “ot.gr” for 67% of the Heraklion Port Authority in the context of an international tender announced by the HRADF, the Italian group Grimaldi, which controls Minoan Lines, which are based in Heraklion, are considering expressing interest. the coastal group Attica Group that has a presence on the lines of Crete, which is said to cooperate with “Aktora”, the group GEK TERNA that will cooperate, as it is said, with the Cretan group IOGR of Ioannis Gryllos, ANEK in possible cooperation , also with a construction company and possibly the Thessaloniki Port Authority.
It is also said that a Turkish group is monitoring the whole process, with the help of a consultant from Greece.
It remains unknown whether information from previous months will be confirmed, according to which a cruise company had also expressed interest.
The Heraklion Port Authority in 2019 presented revenues of 6.57 million euros increased by 3.28% compared to the previous year 2018. EBITDA amounted to 1.47 million euros and profits after taxes amounted to 1.65 million euros against profit of 2.59 million euros in the previous year.
It is worth noting that in the fiscal year 2019 the cash of the organization amounted to 14.7 million euros while the total of all its liabilities was 15.2 million euros.
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