Editorial Ta Nea: Decisiveness
The government was absolutely right in its decision to block the remanding in custody of teachers who abide by public health regulations – mandatory wearing of masks in schools and either vaccination of students or COVID-19 self-tests twice weekly.
The government was absolutely right in its decision to block the remanding in custody of teachers who abide by public health regulations – mandatory wearing of masks in schools and either vaccination of students or COVID-19 self-tests twice weekly – and who are confronted with lawsuits from parents who are either vaccine, self-testing or mask deniers and demand that their children be admitted to schools without having abided by the law.
The government’s flexibility in blocking in this case the immediate remanding in custody (under the current Penal Code) of someone who has been caught performing an act for which they are being sued is spot on.
This flexibility is on even more solid ground because as of tomorrow there will be consultations about a relevant amendment of the Penal Code, which will provide timely protection against citizens who file lawsuits the object of which endangers public health and social cohesion.
The pandemic does not have solely a public health dimension – prevention, the flow of the vaccine rollout, the bolstering of the National Health System, and epidemiological monitoring.
It highlights the need for responsibility and respect for the state, especially at a time when the battle against the epidemic is flaring up.
Under no circumstances should a climate of toleration and leniency develop as regards those who undermine the collective effort.
The ministries of justice and citizen’s protection quite appropriately acted swiftly.
Sensitive categories of workers especially must abide by COVID-19 public health regulations because of their added responsibility to implement the government’s plan, which is based on scientific data on the pandemic.
Social automatism is impermissible, nor can one allow the aforementioned workers to become the targets of a current of irrationality or of various dogmas and conspiracy theories.
The cottage industry of lawsuits against educators constitutes a disruption of social peace.
The stated demonstrated that it has the tools to confront it in a timely, decisive, and organised manner.
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