Παρασκευή 03 Ιανουαρίου 2025
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After Greece-France defence deal, US turns attention to its Mutual Defence Cooperation Agreement with Athens

After Greece-France defence deal, US turns attention to its Mutual Defence Cooperation Agreement with Athens

'While we have not seen the details of Greece and France’s multi-year defence agreement, we note that the longstanding US-Greece Mutual Defence Cooperation Agreement (MDCA) was updated in 2019 to the mutual benefit of our two nations and regional security.'

Straight on the heels of yesterday’s Greece-France defence agreement, a spokesman for the US State Department turned attention to the US-Greece Mutual Defence Cooperation Agreement, asserting that Washington has not yet been apprised of the details of the deal with France.

«While we have not seen the details of Greece and France’s multi-year defence agreement, we note that the longstanding US-Greece Mutual Defence Cooperation Agreement (MDCA) was updated in 2019 to the mutual benefit of our two nations and regional security,» the spokesperson added.

The Greek media yesterday published the full text of the US-France strategic partnership agreement yesterday, though presumably Washington has not yet been officially briefed on the details.

One day after Athens signed the deal for the purchase of three next generation French Belharra frigates and a military mutual assistance agreement, Washington underlined its own longstanding cooperation with the Hellenic Navy.

«We strongly support Greece’s role in creating stability in the region and look forward to continuing to work closely with Greece to advance our shared goals for peace and prosperity in the region, including through our robust relationship with the Hellenic Navy,» the spokesperson said.

A crucial elements of that relationship is the US Navy’s  base at Souda, Crete (photo).

«The US and Greece enjoy a robust defence relationship rooted in our shared values,” the spokesperson said.

Focus on MDCA

That relationship is deepening with a five-year extension and expansion of the US-Greece Mutual Defence Cooperation Agreement.

As To Vima reported today, after the five-year extension, there will be an indefinite extension, unless one of the two parties withdraws from the agreement.

The US official also said that significant progress on reaching an agreement on potential updates to the MDCA has been made, including extending the agreement indefinitely from its current annual duration that will help advance peace in the region and shared defence and security goals between close NATO allies.

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Παρασκευή 03 Ιανουαρίου 2025