The average reduction in turnover reaches 55% to 60% for hotel companies compared to 2019 and will take three to five years to lead to full economic recovery.

The president of the Panhellenic Hoteliers Federation, Grigoris Tassios, maintained the above during his speech at the annual general assembly, adding that one August can not make up for all the damage. It may create positive impressions, but entrepreneurs and employees do not live with impressions, he added.

The overall evaluation of the summer season that is now being completed and the big “thorns” that the industry will find in front of it until next spring, occupied the Federation Assembly, which took place on Thursday, October 14, 2021, at Electra Palace Athens, in the presence of of the Minister of Tourism Vassilis Kikilias and the Presidents of Association of Greek Tourism Enterprises, Giannis Retsou. and Hellenic Chamber of Hotels, Alexandros Vasilikos.

Close cooperation with the State

During the work of the General Assembly. The importance of continuing the close cooperation with the State and all the competent bodies was stressed, as well as the necessity of implementing an integrated package of measures for the categories of hotels that face the biggest problems. At the same time, it was requested that the plan of the European Commission for the extension of the state aid, due to the pandemic, be used until June 30, 2022.

“At the end of the day, it always proves that no one can do it alone, no matter how big he is. Many forces need to be joined to bring tangible and measurable results. This proved to be the case this season as well. It went better than expected and we are all part of this success because many factors played a role “, stressed among others the President of the Hoteliers Federation Mr. Grigoris Tassios and referred to the reasons that contributed to the positive evaluation of the summer’s tourist season. He noted, however, that overall, after two years of the pandemic, the average turnover decline is 55 to 60% for businesses, compared to 2019, and estimated that therefore, it will take three to five years to lead to full economic recovery.

One August can not make up for all the damage. It can create positive impressions, but entrepreneurs and employees do not live with impressions. They make a living from what is left in the cash register of the business, the shop, the hotel “, he emphasized characteristically, and reminded that “the struggle for the survival of the hotels is not over.”

“Those who are not in the fray can say what they want. But only whoever walks in the “shoes” of the hotelier can understand the daily struggle that we all undergo and much more the colleagues of the 12-month operating hotels. And here let me dwell on a very critical aspect of this daily struggle. If recovery means I take a breath, I fill with strength to continue and reach growth, this breath is very difficult to take with the tight noose of loan obligations around your neck”, Mr. Tassios underlined. He stressed, addressing the competent minister, that as a doctor he “must find the right treatment for the many diseases that plague the industry over time, from the labyrinth of responsibilities with other ministries, to the uncontrolled operation of short-term leasing.”

One in four euros from tourism

On his part, the Minister of Tourism Mr. Vassilis Kikilias, attending the General Assembly, thanked for the invitation and said the following: “Mr. President, thank you very much for the invitation to the General Assembly of the Panhellenic Hoteliers Federation, with the participation of 52 Associations with very long history of 73 years. It is my honor to participate, to be invited to join you. Tourism is the locomotive of the Greek economy and together we will find solutions to any problems that arise.

“The country has fought a great battle in the pandemic to protect its tourism product, to enhance the tourist experience, to upgrade infrastructure. We will do this with public investments of 320 million euros for tourism, through the European Recovery Fund. We understand that the Ministry of Tourism has many responsibilities with other Ministries. Our job is, with the right strategy, to move forward with firm and assertive steps. 1 in 4 euros of the country’s GDP come from tourism. We are here with a sincere willingness to cooperate on some issues that come from the past. Together we will support first of all the employees in tourism and all the professions that move around tourism. Our strategic partners and teammates in this effort are you, the hoteliers.”