OAED – 6 out of 10 unemployed without a job for over 12 months
The total number of registered unemployed, based on the job search criteria (job seekers), for the month of September 2021, amounted to 935,301 people, according to the latest data from state employment agency OAED
The total number of registered unemployed persons, based on the job search criteria (job seekers), for the month of September 2021, amounted to 935,301 people, according to the latest data from OAED. Of these, 574,262 (percentage 61.40%) are registered in the OAED register for a period equal to or more than 12 months and 361,039 (38.60%) are registered in the OAED register for a period of less than 12 months. Men amount to 321,356 (percentage 34.36%) and women amount to 613,945 (percentage 65.64%).
The total number of registered others (not looking for work), for the month of September 2021, amounted to 11,991 people. Men amount to 4,244 (percentage 35.39%) and women to 7,747 (percentage 64.61%).
The total number of subsidized unemployed, for the month of September 2021, (concerns the number of beneficiaries paid within the respective month) amounts to 137,197 persons, of which 133,718 (percentage 97.46%) are “common and other” categories of subsidized and 3,479 (percentage 2.54%) are seasonal tourism professions. Men amount to 43,721 (percentage 31.87%) and women to 93,476 (percentage 68.13%).
Out of the total subsidized unemployed persons 103,501 (percentage 75.44%) are common, 1,329 (percentage 0.97%) are builders, 3,479 (percentage 2.54%) are seasonal tourism professions, 830 (percentage 0.60%) are seasonal others (rural), 27,744 (20.22%) are teachers, and 314 (0.23%) are others.
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