Κυριακή 23 Μαρτίου 2025
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The Greek people  mark 28 October anniversary of great ‘OXI’, refusal to surrender to Mussolini

The Greek people mark 28 October anniversary of great ‘OXI’, refusal to surrender to Mussolini

It is the courage, bravery, and resolve of that great OXI that is the reason that Greece is the only nation that celebrates the start of the war - in a national holiday marked by military and student parades each year on this day - and not the end.

By George Gilson

“Until now we used to say that the Greeks fight like heroes. Now we shall say: Heroes fight like Greeks,” Winston Churchill famously said, regarding tiny Greece’s heroic battle against the forces of fascist leader Benito Mussolini and its refusal to surrender on 28 October, 1940.

The great “No” (OXI in Greek), which was the response of Greek dictator Ioannis Metaxas to Mussolini’s demand that he capitulate to his fascist forces (in unison with Albanian troops) on 28 October, 1940, was backed up by the spirit of Greek soldiers and the unprecedented unity of the Greek people, who gave substance to that defiance on the ground in a glorious five-month historic battle, a modern David and Goliath.

When Emanuele Grazzi delivered Mussolini’s ultimatum to Metaxas, his response was, in the French diplomatic language of the era, “Alors, c’est la guerre”, then this means war.

That rare and unprecedented unity of the Greek people buoyed Greek forces and gave substance to that defiance on the ground, forcing Hitler to intervene and invade Greece in April, 1941.

It is the courage, bravery, and resolve of that great OXI that is the reason that Greece is the only nation that celebrates the start of the war – in a national holiday marked by military and student parades each year on this day – and not the end.

As each year, the prime minister and Greek party leaders issued statements on the lasting significance of this day and on the need to preserve that courage and unity in the face of contemporary threats to Greece’s territorial integrity, particularly against very steadfast and recent Turkish challenges of Greece’s sovereignty, and Ankara’s continuing threats of war.

Mitsotakis: focuses on Greece’s strong deterrent force

Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis focused on Greece’s sovereignty, territorial integrity, and the country’s deterrent force that can safeguard them.

“Greece today is strong. It is stronger geopolitically with strengthened Armed Forces and international alliances. It is a country that extends a hand of friendship to everyone but at the same time has the resolve to defend its sovereign rights.”

“I wish and hope that we can proceed in the future with the unity that the times mandate and always have clear judgment to distinguish useful “Yeses” from necessary “Nos”.

Alexis Tsipras: Today’s battle against fascism

Main opposition leader Alexis Tsipras focused on today’s continuing battle against a resurgence of fascism.

“78 years after the great “No”, we assume the historical role bequeathed to us by our ancestors. We must again fight today so as to never again see the revival of the spectre of fascism and totalitarianism.”

Koutsoubas cites KKE role in resistance

Greek Communist Party (KKE) General Secretary focused on the subsequent role of the communist -driven National Liberation Front (EAM), established on 27 September, 1941, which played a pivotal role in the resistance against the Nazis throughout WWII.

“The 28th of October, and the eightieth anniversary of the establishment of EAM, can inspire today’s struggles for a society without fascism, wars, and exploitation. That is the true content of popular unity and not the counterfeit [concept] of ‘national concord’, which is usually cited by the oppressors of the people.”

Varoufakis lambastes Merkel

MeRa 25 leader and former SYRIZA finance minister Yannis Varoufakis said that in 1940, “Left-wingers, centrists, and right wingers knew well that the conquerors were outgunned and in the end would pass…and that the worst adventure would be unconditional surrender”.

Varoufakis used the commemoration to lambaste German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who is visiting Athens today and tomorrow.

“Madam Merkel chose to visit us on 28 October this year shortly before she leaves the chancellery. In contrast to the country’s political class, which once again is offering land and water [which the Persians sought from the ancient Greeks in demanding their surrender], our hospitable people wish her a good retirement and remind her that this country never paid obeisance to remorseless conquerors who, acting on behalf of the European hierarchy, transformed Europe into a metal cage.”

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Κυριακή 23 Μαρτίου 2025