The AEK-Aris match turns into shambles. The Yellows (Aris FC) formally report an attack and threats by Dimitris Melissanidis and “goons” during the AEK match break.

In particular, the Thessaloniki outfit report that the Enossis (AEK) administrative chief, after the end of the first half in OAKA stadium, went down to the stadium’s dressing room area together with his escorts and they verbally assailed Head of Football Division Dimitris Niarchakos.

As reported by the Yellows, Melissanidis allegedly grabbed the tie of the Aris Official and, along with his escorts, seem to have threatened both him and other squad members.

Aris’ report was formally submitted and, according to the club, they will immediately press charges against -apparently- Dimitris Melissanidis and his escorts.

All these happened during match in which Aris have huge complaints from the match referees, since they accuse referee Diamantopoulos for not sending Rota off, as he should, and for inventing a penalty call on Mantalos, thanks to which AEK made it 2-0.