Signs of weakness are evident in the Greek stock market today, which despite the fact that it maintains its positive sign, can not move decisively, maintaining the same pace as the previous two days. Thus, the general index gains 0.23% to 910.20 points, with a turnover of 25 million euros.

The market seems to be restrained by the corrective moves made in most of its securities, especially in the banking sector, which are moving in negative territory, except for Alpha Bank. After all, the banking index today tested all 600 points, ie at five-month highs, to slide at this time to slightly lower levels.

However, what most analysts point out is that until the process of PPC’s capital increase is completed, the market can not be “liberated” and experience the highest levels without restrictions. Today it is reminded that the book of offers is closed, with the relevant announcements expected tomorrow.

However, the estimates for PPC are extremely positive, with the share reacting today with + 3.14%, making together with + 2.23% of Terna Energy and + 1.18% of Coca Cola its “trinity” support for the positive sign. On the other hand, this trio has to face the negative majority, especially in titles such as OTE, Mytilineos, Ethniki, Eurobank and Lambda.