Tourism Minister Vassilis Kikilias gave an interview to CNN’s “Quest Means Business” show and journalist Richard Quest, as part of his presence at the World Travel Market International Fair in London.

Mr. Kikilias stated that Greece will be open all year round so that anyone who chooses can visit it, while referring to his contacts with tour operators, travel agents, airlines from Great Britain, the USA, France and the hard work done to open the tourist season in Greece in early spring (March-April).

The Minister of Tourism stressed that 2022 will be a very good year for Greek tourism and that this will not happen by chance.

“We work hard and fight to ‘win over’ every traveler, offering a new tourist experience, ‘illuminating’ new destinations: more islands, small and large, the mainland, the city break,” he said, always keeping in mind the course of the pandemic.

Asked about the infrastructure of specific popular destinations, Mr. Kikilias said that Greece has 320 million euros from the RRF to strengthen its infrastructure and build new infrastructure where needed.

Asked by Richard Quest if tourism leads to the scenario that we should say “enough”, Vassilis Kikilias replied: “We do not like “enough”, we want more. We want quality, more income, new better paid jobs. We have no problem with quantity, as we have hundreds of destinations from North to South, to which we want to spread out our visitors. It’s not just our branded destinations that were “discovered” by our visitors in the ’50s or’ 60s. We have many more beautiful places that visitors to Greece can discover “.