Παρασκευή 10 Ιανουαρίου 2025
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Regulatory Authority for Energy – In March the first auction of RES projects with a capacity of 600 MW with the new support scheme

Regulatory Authority for Energy – In March the first auction of RES projects with a capacity of 600 MW with the new support scheme

The changes in the RES tenders after the approval of the Commission. Photovoltaic and wind power with a total capacity of 1 GW will be enhanced in 2022

The Ministry of Environment and Energy and the Regulatory Authority for Energy are engaged in a race in order to prepare the relevant decisions for the announcement of the first tender for photovoltaic and wind farms projects with the feed in premium aid regime.

After the “green” light that was given yesterday by the Commission for the granting of 2.27 billion euros in state aid  for the production of electricity from RES and High Efficiency Electricity-Heat Cogeneration, the relevant ministerial decisions and other administrative acts are being prepared that will put new “green” energy projects on track for implementation.

According to information from OT.gr, the Energy Ministry and RAE are oriented to announcing tenders for 2022 to support RES projects with a total capacity of 1 GW. These will concern terrestrial photovoltaics and wind power generators. The first competition, according to the same sources, is expected to be held in March and will involve joint projects of both aforementioned technologies. With a quota for one of the two and probably the lowest will be in wind power. About 30% of the total power say the same sources.

Fast processes

They want information on the acceleration of the tenders and decisions that will limit the bureaucracy between the stages of the announcement and the conduct of the auctions.

It is almost certain, say sources, that the participants in the competition will be invited to participate in it while submitting the necessary supporting documents. In this way the Ministry and RAE want to run the auctions quickly in order to achieve low prices but also to mobilize investors.

The administrators

However, according to competent officials, one of the bets for the timely announcement of the first auction is for the Network and Transmission Operators and especially HEDNO to run the terms of connection of mature projects. So that investors who really want to go down in the first tender do not miss the opportunity.

Financing of foreign RES projects

The new regime for the support of RES projects also envisages the reinforcement through RAE tenders and wind or photovoltaic sources from neighboring countries.

A prerequisite is to have an electrical connection with Greece. Regarding the scope of participation, the Ministry will set a specific quota.

Direct funding

According to the decision of the European Commission, Greece will provide direct financing for the other RES technologies, ie land-based wind and photovoltaic.

These are the guaranteed prices for electricity projects produced from biogas, biomass, gases emitted from landfills, as well as from hydroelectric, geothermal and power plants with centralized mirrors. High Efficiency Electricity-Heat Cogeneration projects will also receive aid.

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Ο Σέρβος ποδοσφαιριστής του ΠΑΟΚ έγραψε ιστορία κόντρα στην ΑΕΚ και θεωρείται ένας από τους καλύτερους ξένους παίκτες στην ιστορία του ελληνικού ποδοσφαίρου!

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Παρασκευή 10 Ιανουαρίου 2025