Earthquake – 5.1 Richter rattles Ikaria
Two vibrations of 5.1 and 4.1 Richter shook Ikaria with a difference of 9 minutes
A strong earthquake off Ikaria was registered shortly after 6 in the morning .
Specifically, there was a seismic tremor of magnitude 5.1 on the Richter scale with the first data indicating a epicenter 20km northwest of Ikaria.
The focal depth of the earthquake was 17.5 km.
Nine minutes later there was another strong earthquake measuring 4 on the Richter scale also at the same point, 23 kilometers northwest of the island. The focal depth of the second vibration was 24.3 km.
Samos and Chios feel the shock
The earthquake was felt in Samos and Chios.
“It is an earthquake that is in the extension of the big rift that gave the earthquake in Samos last year. It is an earthquake that occurred in an area of low seismicity, since there are no major earthquakes in the area. We will monitor the evolution of the phenomenon in the next period,” said the seismologist Efthymios Lekkas.
As Mr. Lekkas stressed, the earthquake in Ikaria can not affect the Samos fault, as it eased last year, so there is no concern.
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