Παρασκευή 10 Ιανουαρίου 2025
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Pope Francis met with the Archbishop of Athens

Pope Francis met with the Archbishop of Athens

Pope Francis met with the Archbishop of Athens, Ieronymos II, at the Athens Archdiocese.

Yesterday, Sunday, December 5, the head of the Catholic Church met with the head of the Greek Orthodox Church, Archbishop of Athens, Ieronymos II, in the Athens Archdiocese.

During their meeting, the Pope and Archbishop of Athens renewed the promise to overcome centuries of distrust and rivalry between the two churches. The Archbishop of Athens, Ieronymos II, welcomed his counterpart from the Catholic Church “with a sense of honor and brotherhood.”

Historic visit

Pope Francis paid this historic visit to Greece 20 years after Pope John Paul II made the first such visit after the Great Schism, and seized the opportunity to apologize for the sins committed by Catholics against the Orthodox over the centuries.

Concerning the global challenges

Archbishop of Athens, Ieronymos II, for his part, told Pope Francis that he shares his vision of building strong ties to tackle global challenges such as the refugee crisis and climate change.

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Παρασκευή 10 Ιανουαρίου 2025