Παρασκευή 07 Μαρτίου 2025
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National Committee on Vaccination considering fourth vax dose

National Committee on Vaccination considering fourth vax dose

Over the next months a fourth jab for the rest of the population will be reviewed if the appearance of a new variant warrants it.

The National Committee on Vaccination  is expected to announce next week the timeframe and conditions under which vaccinated immunosuppressed individuals can receive a fourth dose of the vaccine.

Over the next months a fourth jab for the rest of the population will be reviewed if the appearance of a new variant warrants it.

Regarding people who have fallen ill with COVID-19, who are to be vaccinated three months after their illness certificate expires, the National Committee on Vaccination is expected in the next few days to announce whether those who have received the second dose will receive a jab either three or six months after the second jab.

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Παρασκευή 07 Μαρτίου 2025