Παρασκευή 10 Ιανουαρίου 2025
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OAED – Until the end of December, the applications of companies for a program of young unemployed in 4 regions

OAED – Until the end of December, the applications of companies for a program of young unemployed in 4 regions

The work experience program includes a 100% subsidy for young unemployed in Eastern Macedonia and Thrace, North Aegean, Thessaly and Central Greece

Until Friday, December 31, 2021, businesses should have submitted their electronic applications for the 900 remaining positions of the subsidized program, through which the unemployed aged 18-30 years, will have the opportunity to obtain 7 months of work experience, with 100% salary subsidy and insurance contributions, in the Regions of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace, North Aegean, Thessaly and Central Greece. In particular, 70% of the total 3,000 positions advertised have already been filled, giving young people the opportunity to gain valuable experience, upgrade their skills and integration in the labor market.

The beneficiaries will be those registered as unemployed, living in the aforemoned areas, aged 18-30 and being graduates of any educational level. The aim of the action is to enhance young people’s integration in the labor market and to halt the outflow of scientific labor.

The program, with a budget of 20 million euros, lasts 7 months and the Greek Manpower Employment Organization (OAED) pays the beneficiaries a monthly compensation equal to the minimum net salary (with full insurance contributions), as well as a ratio of Christmas bonus and vacation pay.

A prerequisite is that the company has not reduced staff due to termination of employment contract, 3 months before submitting the application.

The companies that are interested in participating in this program should submit an electronic application through the website of the Organization: https://www.oaed.gr/proghrammata-anoikhta

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Όλη η Ευρώπη θέλει τον Ράσφορντ – Η πρώτη ομάδα που απέρριψε

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Παρασκευή 10 Ιανουαρίου 2025