Παρασκευή 10 Ιανουαρίου 2025
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Greece figures as third worldwide as ‘sun & sea’ destination

Greece figures as third worldwide as ‘sun & sea’ destination

The specific holiday niche of “sun and sea” is the most popular when it comes to Greece, as 22 percent of respondents in 2019 said that’s why they chose the east Mediterranean country as a travel destination

Greece ranks as the third most popular destination, worldwide, in the category “sun & sea”, behind Spain and Turkey, according to a study unveiled this month by Deloitte-Remaco. The study was commissioned by INSETE, a non-profit organization founded in early 2013 by the Greek Tourism Confederation.

The specific holiday niche of “sun and sea” is the most popular when it comes to Greece, as 22 percent of respondents in 2019 said that’s why they chose the east Mediterranean country as a travel destination. The categories of “City break” and “cultural tourism” followed when queried about Greece as a holiday destination, with 16 and 10 percent, respectively.

On a global scale, and in the “sun and sea” category, Greece figures in third place, garnering 7.4 percent of respondents’ preferences, behind Spain (17.3 percent) and Turkey (8.3 percent).

“Maritime tourism” and “Meeting, Incentive, Congress, Event (MICE)” are the other two categories measured as preferences.

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Παρασκευή 10 Ιανουαρίου 2025