Τρίτη 07 Ιανουαρίου 2025
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Attica Bank – Ellington with 10.76% after the capital increase

Attica Bank – Ellington with 10.76% after the capital increase

As agreed, the fund, which operates jointly with the Engineers and Public Works Contractors Fund T.M.E.D.E., will exercise part of the pre-emptive rights of the Financial Stability Fund (FSF) and will acquire all the unallocated shares that will arise from the private shareholders of the bank

Ellington’s stake in Attica Bank could reach up to 10.76%, following a € 240 million capital increase in progress.

As agreed, the fund, which operates jointly with the Engineers and Public Works Contractors Fund T.M.E.D.E., will exercise part of the pre-emptive rights of the Financial Stability Fund (FSF) and will acquire all the unallocated shares that will arise from the private shareholders of the bank.

On the other hand, TMEDE and social security fund EFKA will fully exercise their rights.

So if the private shareholders do not acquire any of the new shares that will be issued, the percentages of the shareholders of Attica Bank will be formed after the capital increase to the following levels:

e-EFKA 10.26%
TMEDE 14.70%
HFSF 64.15%
Ellington 10.76%
Other Shareholders (<5%) 0.13%
The above percentages are taken from the supplementary prospectus of Attica approved by the Hellenic Capital Market Commission.

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ΕΟΠΥΥ: Με ειδικό κωδικό στο κινητό τηλέφωνο η έκδοση και εκτέλεση γνωματεύσεων από 3 Φεβρουαρίου

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Τρίτη 07 Ιανουαρίου 2025