Πέμπτη 27 Μαρτίου 2025
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Entry of inbound travelers to Greece – The new measures

Entry of inbound travelers to Greece – The new measures

New regulations provide that in order for an inbound traveler to enter Greece they should have undergone a 72-hour PCR (molecular) or a 24-hour rapid test

New emergency rules for all inbound travelers that want to enter Greece were published by the Greek Government Gazette and came into force as of 6am on Sunday, December 19 and will be valid until Monday, January 10, 2022.

The new regulations now stipulate that a 72-hour PCR (molecular) covid test or a 24-hour rapid test is required to enter the country.

The relevant air, shipping, railway companies as well as the road transport companies should control the traveler before boarding, confirming that they possess the documents needed.

According to the relevant Joint Ministerial Decision, travelers to Greece that test positive for Covid-19

– should quarantine for ten days, at home or at a suitable place of temporary residence designated by the competent authorities,

– while those who have completed their vaccination fourteen days ago and are tested positive, should quarantine for seven days.

Due to the new Omicron strain, the sea connections with Turkey are temporarily limited, while the fullness of the ships that operate the routes Greece-Italy and Greece-Albania is reduced.

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Πέμπτη 27 Μαρτίου 2025